Journey Through The Universe
From Contact
00:00 - 03:08
3m 8s

Illustrates the journey of radio waves traveling through the universe. As the waves continue their journey deeper into space, the soundtrack gets older and quieter. Along the journey, the waves pass by celestial objects such as planets, stars, and nebulae.


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  • Jody Suprenant
    about 7 years ago
    I used this as an introduction to a POGIL on motion of stars and polaris
Video Transcript

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This song discusses Tarzan's fascination with the wider human world he has yet to see. During the song, he looks through a telescope and sees the Great Comet of 1882.
Scrat accidentally enters a flying saucer and propels himself into outer space. He travels through the solar system (also by accident), and during his journey finds a solar system, planets, asteroids, and other celestial objects.
Scale is illustrated as the viewer is given a center of focus (the individuals who are picnicking) and slowly the field of view expands incremementally by the power of ten. Eventually, the field of view takes the viewer out of Planet Earth and extends to include other planets of the solar system. 
Yakko gives an overview of the universe by describing the celestial objects (stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) that exist in the universe and putting into perspective the human race's significance. The song is accompanied by excellent illustrations.
This clip takes us into the universe through a series of steps, with each step being 10x larger than the previous. It illustrates the vastness of the universe and that increasing the field of view by a power of 10 makes a dramatic change in what we see.