This song discusses Tarzan's fascination with the wider human world he has yet to see. During the song, he looks through a telescope and sees the Great Comet of 1882.
Beakman explains what a comet is by having Liza act like Maria Mitchell. She explains that comets are basically giant dirty snow balls. She goes over the different parts of a comet and why comets look the way they do to us.
Yakko gives an overview of the universe by describing the celestial objects (stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) that exist in the universe and putting into perspective the human race's significance. The song is accompanied by excellent illustrations.
What is the moon made of, and how did it form? Learn about the moon's violent origins, how its phases shaped the earliest calendars, and how humans first explored Earth's only natural satellite half a century ago.
Pluto is one of the most mysterious and controversial celestial objects in the solar system. Find out what most mystifies scientists and stargazers about this dwarf planet.