Medium Lilly
07:45 - 08:50
1m 5s
Which one of the Monster Math Squad is medium?


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Max, Lilly, and Goo assist a Monster with identifying which footprints are medium.
The numbers decide to go on an adventure and sing about their number order.
The Doctor needs Clara to act as him now that he is trapped in a shrunken TARDIS. Clara takes advantage of this to call herself the Doctor.
When a man decides to doubles the dimensions of his popcorn, he's surprised to see the volume has increased eightfold.
The CyberSquad needs to fix the train in order to get up the mountain. They manage to get it moving by putting in a missing gear; however, it travels too slowly. They note that gears of different sizes turn at different speeds and that a gear with a high number of teeth will make the train move fast when paired with a gear with few teeth. They swap out a couple of gears and get the train moving at a fast rate.