The Guys Start a Union
From The Office

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02:06 - 03:05

Darryl and the other warehouse workers decide to start a union in order to get better compensation and benefits. Although he doesn't agree with forming a union, Michael Scott agrees because he is intimidated by Darryl.


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Has profanity
Cesar Chavez threatens to expel anyone from the union who doesn't protest peacfully in the face of violence.
Norma Rae is a textile factory worker who became involved in labor union activities after the health of her co-workers was put in jeapordy. She refuses to leave work and rallies her co-workers to go on strike and form a union. After she successfully gets every co-worker to stop working, the factory managers intervene and send her to jail in a police car. This is a great clip to use when teaching about the importance of a Triple Bottom Line (People-Profit-Planet) in business, which goes beyond the profit motive.
A biography on Civil Rights icon Cesar Chavez, from his humble beginnings to leading his farmworkers union in huge strikes to protest mistreatment.
Michael Scott leads a meeting about sensitivity training.
The Bobs talk to managers about their employees' employment status.