Lasagna Dance
00:00 - 02:12
2m 12s
Garfield and the other animals display strong teamwork as Garfield talks everyone through the process.


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Mom is tweaking her tone for the email to her son Axl, who is not talking to her. At first her tone is angry and probably won't be effective. She makes multiple revisions on her tone.
Kevin speaks like a caveman in order to demonstrate that concise communication saves time.
Steve asks Laura to go out with him for the thousandth time. His delivery is so confident that one can even entertain the idea of a potential date.
After Laura reveals on television that Alan is bald, she visits him to apologize. Because she avoids communicating her apology directly, she confuses Alan and leads the conversation into a direction she did not intend.
Julius has a day off and drops hints at Tonya to rush her off to work. She believes he does so because he wants to relax and have the day for himself. Instead, he switches into his uniform and heads out to work.