01:00 - 02:34
1m 34s
After giving everyone makeovers, Sad man translates their coordinates on his chart.


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Hank explains how DNA and three specialized versions of RNA synthesize proteins. He delves into the process of transcription, which involves copying genetic information from DNA to RNA.
Sad man translates shapes across graphs. He sings a song about moving and shifting shapes. Bad man does test problems outside with the kids in life-size chart replica.
Hank explains the process of DNA translation, which decodes the genetic instructions to create proteins.
Jackie, Matt, and Inez set out to prove that Hacker doesn't deserve to be the ruler of Cyberspace. They try to find a counterexample to his statement that "you can always make a triangle out of any three rods." After some experimentation, they discover that one long rod and two short rods do not connect and therefore do not make a triangle. They present their findings during the debate.
After eating dinner, Chuck illustrates to Wilson their slim chances of being rescued. He calculates the area that the rescue team would have to potentially search to find them: approximately 502,000 square miles.