Be Careful With Your Garbage
00:00 - 00:39
The Planeteers show what can happen to the environment if we continue to produce a lot of trash and waste without thinking about the long term effects of it. They show what happens if people don't follow the Three R's or don't put in a concerted effort to reduce trash.


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Kwame is appalled at how the small town villagers who have had trash dumped on them by Sly Sludge's operations have started polluting their own town. It demonstrates cowardice, lack of vision, and apathy of the townspeople.
Craig explains that Jamal cannot be arrested or proven to be the arsonist because of circumstantial evidence.
Jamal explains the he lied because he was scared, even though he is innocent to his grandmother and Lenni.
George has to clean up the mess he made, but discovers the apartment has ants. He found a way to safely remove and relocate the ants and cleaned the apartment at the same time.
Floyd the barber lies to his long distance girlfriend about his situation and how much money he has. When she writes him saying she will visit, he is torn with guilt and decides to uphold his lie and pose as a rich man.