Sheep, Sheep-a-deep
21:16 - 22:25
1m 9s
This catchy tune allows you to learn more about sheep. Did you know that a female sheep is called a ewe?


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Babe is tasked to herd the sheep. He takes advice from the sheepdogs and acts aggressively and mean towards the sheep to get their compliance. However, Babe is not intimidating like a sheepdog and needs to try a different tactic. He shows his kindness to the sheep and they agree to follow his orders if he asks them nicely.
A worldwide epidemic starts when humans cut down trees in an area inhabited by bats, forcing them to relocate. One bat carrying the virus dropped a piece of banana into a pig pen. One pig consumed the banana piece, and when it was slaughtered, the virus spread to the butcher's hands. The butcher did not wash his hands before he went to shake the hand of a guest, thus spreading the disease to the guest, who then spread it to other people.
Explores the changes, especially the health effects, involved with the shift towards settled life and agriculture in the early urban community of Catalhoyuk.
Has profanity
Too-Tall thinks that Brother is cut out to join his gang. Brother spends the day as a member of the gang, following the leader. Yet, it all culminates in him trespassing on Farmer Ben's property where he is caught. Farmer Ben teaches him some valuable lessons.
Food shortages in colonies were common, as many had not developed a stable food source yet. To survive, many opened their mind to hunting and high-risk eating habits.