The Blood
From Seinfeld

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00:00 - 03:23
3m 23s
In this episode, Kramer is donating blood and saving it in a blood bank for future use. He becomes dissatisfied with high fees at the blood bank, and decides to keep it at home instead. In the meantime, Jerry nicks his jugular with an Exacto knife and needs blood. He awakens in the hospital with three pints of Kramer's blood in him. This illustrates that when savers save, their assets don't sit idle; they are immediately channeled to some productive investment most often by the banking system or another intermediary (such as the blood bank in this example), but sometimes through direct transfer (such is the case with direct purchase of stocks and bonds, and in this example, the direct transfer of Kramer's blood to Jerry).
This clip contains profanity at the following moments: 01:45 - 01:45


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