01:50 - 04:52
3m 2s
Sophie discusses how plants and animals need to compete in order to survive and the role that adaptations play in their ability to survive. She explains how several animals and bugs have adapted to become better suited to surviving in city environments.


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When Phoebe states that she doesn't believe in evolution, Ross tries to convince her that it is a fact through examples and scientific proof. Phoebe offers a counterargument using several examples in history when the brightest minds believed in a theory but found it to be incorrect.
Mr. Bean gets a pet chameleon which he attempts to hide from Mrs. Wicket.
Bill Nye introduces reptiles and explains how they are able to live in different environments around the world by regulating their own body temperature. As cold-blooded organisms, they don't keep the same body temperature throughout the day.
Hank provides background information on the biologist who contributed to evolutionary history: Charles Darwin. He also explains the four principles of Darwin's idea of natural selection, which are variation, heritability, struggle for existence, and survival and reproduction rates. Key Words: Genetic Drift, Fitness, Variations of Phenotype, Heritable, The Struggle for Existence, Survival and Reproduction Rates
This clip describes how genetic mutations can lead to an animal's advantage in survival. Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about a Black bear that turns into a white bear because of a genetic mutation, which later became known as polar bears.