The spread and start to Genghis conquest
04:50 - 10:44
5m 54s
With the perpetually rivaled tribes united Genghis thought to spread his early empire he had first conquer its former oppressors starting with the western Shah.


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It's a point of pride for the small landlocked country that once in the past even if it was very loose and short-lived they with the biggest empire in the world.The Mongols were responsible for cruel tragedies. The spread the black death and the reduction of the human population by 5%. The wounds of the past have healed. The pride of mongolia and the culture it has to celebrate and the fact that everyone around the world even knows the name of this remote Asian country. Thats all important today and thats why the Mongol empires trade culture and soical signifiance is just as important to highlight as it's very well known brutality
12th Century the land belonged to the nomadic Mongol and Turkic clans were often in conflict with each other whether it was over scarce resources, But Gur Khan would raise and united them all
Auger Dailon would begin hs regin by claiming vengenace on the traders Jim who on top of breaking thier tributary status had moved futher south to Chi Fang many defected or surrendered to the Mongol Forces and thenew capital had fallen by 1232.
Tora Jane had planted herself in the favor of Karakoram aristocrats through lots of favors and heavy corruption. Those in the empire capital supported the secession of her son Guyuk however for him to become Great Khan all Khans must attend the Kurultai. Batu of the golden horde refused to attend claiming illness. This started the early steps of the fall of the mongols
The youngest of Tolo sones Eric Bakker would have himself elected as great khan. His siblings didnt really agree leading to more divisions with the family. Kublai would call a Kurultai on his own territory in northern China and elected great khan. There were two great khans at the same time resulting in futher conflict.