The joseon Kingdom would become the empire of korea. Totally independent but all knew this would be short-lived with russian and japanese imperoal interests strongly butting heads on the peninsula war would be inevitable. Japan had refromed and modernized following the example of western imperialism to carry out the ambitions of the empire would require following this example closely and so asia in the 20th century would know war
Queen Min escape the royal place as 4,500 Qing soldiers arrived in Korea and captured the deawon reasserting Qing inflince over the kingdom. The Japenese responded only by placing an armed guard on its returning litigation, but this promted Mejij to begin a massive military buildup
The overshadowed first Sino-Japanese war is often seen as a stepping stone in the story of japan's imperial expansion and china's decline preceding the second world war. We take a look at the Korean strategry, Meiji restoration of 1868 and Go jong ascension to the throne and how the they played a major role in the beginning of the Sino war
On Chrismas Eve, 1979, a combined air and land invasion of Afghanistan commenced. The Red army quickly seized many urban areas, roads, and communication lines. Amin himself was captured and executed how will the Afghan war end.
We take a look at the timeline to the 17th century and Europe was firmly in its Age of Exploration. The Dutch East India Company was settling on the cape Peninsula, where the Boer War would begin.
In the beginning of the 19th century, a new era of interconnectedness had swept the globe, and the term "international" was born. Merchants and travellers navigated the globe, searching for resource-rich lands and gladly alleviating the natives of their abundances, splaying the rapidly industrializing west. China, was this new land where a new trading good would be discovered that would sweep the land would be find.