I'm So Hot
05:01 - 06:40
1m 39s
The Sun raps about his components and his role on everyone that lives on Earth.


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Space weather is how the environment around the Earth and solar system may vary because of activity at the sun. The Northern Lights is a harmless example of space weather. It is an effect of an event called a Coronal Mass Ejection or CME.
Extrasolar planets are planets that orbit a star that is not our sun. They are often lightyears away and astronomers study them using spectroscopy and other methods to determine where the planets are.
Using a model, Beakman explains the sun, where it is in the solar system and why night and day exist.
The sun keeps the planets in its orbit with a tremendous gravitational force. What would happen if it disappeared entirely? Learn about the star at the center of our solar system, and how it is critical to all life as we know it.
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