Finding a Shipping Container
From Numb3rs
00:00 - 01:52
1m 52s
Don needs help tracking a shipping container. Charlie uses an algorithm to determine the possible places the shipping container could be.


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Not all motives are created equal. Don gives Charlie a long list of suspects with the same motive. Charlie uses an asymmetric threat assessment to see which of their suspects were the most affected by their motive and most likely to act.
Charlie, Amita, and Larry explain how they can match a crime to a specific criminal using a quadratic discriminant analysis to see which known criminals are most drawn to a specific crime.
While hunting for a criminal who is good at hiding his face, Don asks Charlie to see which crime syndicates their suspect may be a part of. To figure it out, Charlie explains the belief propogation which takes scattered data and pulls it into a coherent image.
Examines the controversial use of expected frequencies in the Dreyfus Affair.
In this scene, Charlie and Don realize that their mathematical model is wrong because they were focusing on the wrong factor (the home) as opposed to the right one (the criminal's workplace).