The Percentages Song
05:22 - 07:46
2m 24s
A band explains how to calculate percentages in a catchy song.


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Square One TV shows kids how to convert decimals to percentages. The store must convert the special deals to percentages to make them more attractive to customers.
After stumbling upon what he thinks is a mirage, a man tries to buy a glass of lemonade in the desert. Unfortunately, he is one cent short.
The kids order the numbers by comparing decimal places.
Bad Man challenges Amber to place on the number line three numbers between 1 and 2. He refers to the numbers directly to the right of the decimal point as tenths. He then gives Michael a similar challenge to that of Amber except with numbers containing decimals in the hundredths place.
Bad Man challenges Amber and Michael to identify numbers in the tenths and hundredths places from a fixed set. After they successfully complete the challenge, he asks them to place the numbers in order on the number line.