Vanessa Hate Website
00:00 - 00:33

While working on her homework, Vanessa receives an instant message with a link to a website titled "Hating Vanessa." The website, presumably made by Vanessa's peers, makes fun of her by depicting her with ridiculous hair styles.


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Taylor joins a support group for students who have been bullied online, and they discuss the ways in which to handle unpleasant comments directed towards them online. They discuss topics such as saving the evidence and talking to trusted adults about the bullying.
As Vanessa leaves the lunch room after talking with Emily, one of the girls in the popular group shows Emily their yearbook cover idea. The idea is a video depicting Vanessa as an obese person with an unsatiable appetite. Vanessa stops to watch this video on her way out of the lunch room, and it disturbs her.
The Powerpuff Girls see the news reports about them and how unaccepted they are by society. People say mean comments about the girls.
Taylor feels alone as her friends begin to ostracize her and make her the subject of cyberbullying. Her mom pleas for her to receive help after an attempt at suicide.
Taylor confronts two online bullies in her school and tells them that their words actually can hurt people. Other students who are also victims of the bullies take the opportunity to stand up to the bullies as well, which causes the bullies to leave the school cafeteria.