Hunting for Properties
00:10 - 03:49
3m 39s

This video simply discusses what properties of matter are and explains a few properties, such as length, width, height, and weight, commonly seen in science. The video is simple, but depth and complexity can then be added to your lesson based on grade level.


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Ice climbing is possible because of the high strength of ice's internal structure. Ice also has its own weak points, which include as the ice grows it can create networks of weak roots between crystals. That's why the ice is safe to stand on, but dangerous to stamp on.
Willy Wonka demonstrates his latest invention: television chocolate, which makes it possible to send a real bar of chocolate through the television. Willy Wonka explains his inspiration: if television can break up a photograph into millions of tiny pieces, why can't he do the same with chocolate? His guests state that the invention is impossible, and one of the kids briefly explains the scientific reasoning behind it (which isn't entirely accurate). Mr. Wonka sends a large chocolate bar into a TV set, and Charlie reaches in and grabs it, showing that the invention does in fact work.
Elsa unintentionally reveals her ice powers when Anna takes off one of her gloves. She runs away from the townspeople after a series of accidents so as not to cause more harm and lose more of the trust of her fellow townspeople.
Bill explains the three states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. He explains that these states differ in only the amount of energy they contain. Bill also uses several examples to illustrate the difference between the three states.
Hank explains polymers, describes some of their properties, and explains how they are formed. He also explains what you need to make a polymer: a molecule that can easily bond to another identical molecule at two points. Hank focuses on the polymer, Polyethylene, because it is the most common plastic in the world, and discusses its nomenclature.